Code of Ethics and Behavior:

sijou College
  • The students are to abide by all the rules, regulations and norms of the College and shall imbibe sound traditions and values of the College.
  • The students should maintain the good name of the College through respectable behavior in and outside the College campus.
  • The students must compulsorily come to the College with full uniform.
  • Students and staff should not engage themselves in any activity which may disturb the peaceful atmosphere of learning in the Institution. The College and Hostel are above politics and stand for all communities, and restricts students and staff not to involve in cliques and party groups.
  • Every pupil shall co-operate with the authorities in keeping the College premises clean and tidy. Any damage caused casually or deliberately shall entail disciplinary action, recovery of cost and fine.
  • Students must be present on the re-opening day after every vacation and on the last day before every vacation.
  • No stakeholder of the Institution is allowed to publish or circulate in print, electronic or social media with regard to the Institution, Director, Principal, staff and of any students, without prior permission from the College authority.
  • Use of mobile phones, electronic devices and other gadgets are not allowed inside the College campus. If found, they will be ceased and kept by the College authority.
  • Ragging is strictly prohibited as per the directions of the Hon’ble Supreme Court of India. Those found indulging in it will be expelled from the Institution as per the College rules.
  • Smoking and use of liquor or any kind of intoxicants/ drugs like tobacco, supari, gutkha, betel- nuts etc. are strictly prohibited in and around the College campus. The nearby shops and stores are not allowed to keep and sell any of such items to students.
  • Two unit tests and frequent class tests will be conducted before the promotion/ final exams. Internal Marks will be assessed from the tests and they will have influence on promotion to higher classes.
  • Attendance: 90% class attendance is compulsory to appear in promotion/ final exams conducted by AHSEC.
  • Since the Medium of Instruction in the Institution is English, students shall speak in English in the College.
  • The decision of the Principal shall be final in all matters concerning academic, discipline and enforcement of rules.