It gives me immense pleasure to extend warm greetings and welcomes you to this dynamic institution, where we enhance students’ all-around development with modern facilities besides normal classroom learning.
I congratulate and express my heartfelt gratitude to the stakeholders of the Sijou Foundation (Trust) under whose tireless effort, Sijou College has been set up at Mushalpur, the headquarter of Baksa District, Assam. We believe in empowering our students in holistic and comprehensive development so that they act as responsible citizens and make a meaningful and value-based society. We have a team of experienced faculty members who display boundless energy and intense commitment which keeps the ethos of our college ever shining brighter.
We vouch to impart Life’s two lasting bequests to our students, i.e., ‘Roots’ and the ‘Wings’! The former being offered by the parents, and the latter is offered by the Institution. Like a cactus plant that survives anywhere and absorbs abundance of water, we believe in development of intellectual, physical, emotional, cultural, and spiritual development of students that will enable them to excel in every walk of their lives. It is our continuous effort to encourage the students to seize every good opportunity that comes on their way which would not only help them in holistic growth but strengthen their belief in teamwork, critical thinking, love for the environment, and to rise above all the challenges of life.
Mushalpur has become a hub of knowledge seekers since recent years and we believe our Institution can best serve the need of the hour. I invite responsible parents and guardians to cooperate and collaborate to translate our aims, objectives and vision to make a reality. Welcome to Sijou College and have an experience of learning- ‘A Journey to Excellence.
Dr. Sunjit Bosumatary M.A. NET, Ph.D.